1. Disaster risk reduction of urban and built environment is essential to guarantee the healthy and industrious developments of core cities in developing countries. Specialists in Urban Disaster Risk Reduction (UDRR) are, however, not readily available because developing such specialists requires acquiring a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of both the scientific and the socio- economic conditions driving urban risks. Further, it requires a full heart of devotion and a commitment to bridging the people together.

    Based on the experiences of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake, that were typical of urban disaster & recovery, a group of UDRR specialists, from Asia, Middle East & North Africa (MENA), and Latin America regions, have been trained through a concerted effort between JICA Hyogo and RCUSS of Kobe University. For a period of 8 years (2004-2011), more than 100 participants have completed two months training in Japan. Initiatives have started from the group of those training participants to hold regional workshops to promote mutual understandings of UDRR issues in each region and to further strengthen the international human network among these UDRR specialists and concerned organizations. As those three regions have their own unique cultural and historical commonalities, the regional solidarity plays a central role in building DRR strategy. So far, three workshops have been completed in Asia, MENA and LATAM as indicated below:

    1. Asia regional workshop at Islamabad, Pakistan, May 2-5, 2011
    Theme: Capacity Building in Vulnerable Community, learning through 2005
    Pakistan Kashmir EQ & 2010 Pakistan Flood Disasters and Recoveries

    2. MENA regional workshop at Ankara/Istanbul, Turkey, December 1-3, 2011
    Theme: Urban Development and Renovation based on Seismic Risk in MENA
    region, learning through 1999 Turkey Earthquake and Recoveries

    3. LATAM regional workshop at Bogota, Colombia, March 5-7, 2012
    Theme: UDRR in Latin America & Information Sharing

  2. Objectives of International Workshops:
    1) Discuss the UDRR strategy & topics needed for all regions; topics such as assessment of urban risk & vulnerability, seismic design of housing, and safety of schools and hospitals,
    2) Discuss the support & collaboration on the recovery from recent disasters,
    3) Discuss the future strategy of UDRR network & activity among the Asia, MENA, and Latin America groups and the international organizations.

    As some of you may have noticed through our blog site "", we ex-participants to JICA/RCUSS training course are seriously thinking about how to maintain our network by establishing for example a NGO to continue and attract funds for our DRR activities.

    For further reading, please have a look on:

    Finally TRI-DRR Team joined 2012 AIWEST-DR Banda Aceh, Indonesia which started from 2006 with collaboration with Syiah Kuala University:

    In order to strengthen the international network of ex-JICA group trainees on "DRR Strategy for Urban Earthquake" that was organized by Kobe Univ. & JICA Hyogo from 2004 to 2011 it is vital to have a strong and effective networking scheme that would unite a global efforts of urban earthquake DRR by those ex-JICA training participants. We decided to create define Mission, Vision, and Strategy and we share it with you. You are obliged to decide to be a member of this group or not, and if you are going to be a member you need to reply to me with your comments on By-Laws. Please read mission, vision and strategies of TRI-DRR and fill out the questionnaire form and sent it back to us with your comments.

    It should be noted that presently we are making this By-Laws not for registering formally our group at any country. We are however looking forward to establishing regional offices in Asia, MENA, and Latin America regions if anyone in each region volunteers to take that initiatives. Please remember that each regional NGO group will be named "Three Regional Initiatives for DRR" followed by "Asia or MENA or Latin America" office.

  3. Mission of TRI-DRR

    TRI-DRR is the leading professional association that promotes and protects about establishing a disaster risk resilient society. It emphasizes disaster risk reduction activities at the world wide scale.

    • to disseminate the disaster risk reduction projects on local, national and international scale,
    • to support individuals and organizations by capacity development programs,
    • to promote public awareness relater with DRR.

  4. Vision of TRI-DRR

    To be an internationally prestigious association in the fields of DRR, DM and internatioal collaboration projects.

  5. Strategies of TRI-DRR

    1) improving the understanding of all parties about the importance of good disaster information system related to disaster risk management
    2) to increase efforts in the use of information systems in disaster risk reduction
    3) to encourage the participation of local governments, non-governmental organizations, universities and the community to the DRR activities.
    4) to advocate to the local/central governments in handling disaster management and development planning.
    5)to initiate activities to restore social routines to disaster impacted regions.
    6)to describe social aspects of the immediate response period.
    7)to define characteristic of disasters and their potential for physical destruction (basic function disruption: e.g. transportation, lifeline systems, health care, education, economic production, distirbution ans consumption)
    8)to involve four phases of disasters: preparedness, response, recover and mitigation.
    9)to assess the applicability and utility of advanced damage assessment technologies and loss estimation methodologies.

  6. Data Collection and Assessment
    Data research will be conducted by the collection of all available reports, data and literature from the available resources related to local and international organizations, Research institutes, universities and municipalities, as well as relevant governmental and non-governmental departments and organizations.

    Reviewing Best Practices Worldwide on Community Based Activities
    In order to improve culture of safety against natural disaster, it is necessary to review the existing experiences all around the world.

  7. Identifying the socio-economic conditions
    In order to adopt the best methods for improving public awareness and participation in DM activities, it is essential to conduct a survey at the different sites and make a socio-economic oriented map of disaster vulnerable areas. This map will be used for planning and adopting different types of activities using Islamic bases or other available resources for risk reduction and disaster management. For this purpose the following activities should be conducted:
    • Evaluating local socio-economic conditions of residents based on census zones or municipality zonation and preparing relevant maps;
    • Preparing appropriate and sufficient number of questionnaires and distributing them among the residents to get some feedback about the existing level of their knowledge on earthquake and tsunami risk at their communities and the countermeasures;
    • Adopting best practices for promoting public awareness and participation in risk reduction measures based on existing conditions;
    • Identifying organizations that can be mobilized for information dissemination among the local residents at different places;
    • Conducting necessary meetings and brain storming with responsible persons of existing organizations to reach a common way for providing necessary information among ordinary peoples through theirs channels;
    • Selecting some pilot areas for implementing necessary plans for promoting public awareness and participation in risk reduction based on difference in socio-economic conditions.

  8. Preparing necessary materials for conducting DM reform among residents
    After the evaluation of existing conditions and selecting the pilot areas, it is necessary to prepare necessary documents and relevant material to be distributed and presented among the residents of pilot areas, as follows:
    • Evaluating the pilot areas based on existing information and identifying the hazardous sites as well as safe areas to prepare diagnosis maps;
    • Preparing evacuation maps, information pamphlet, guidelines as well as other required information and documents in simple language to be understandable for the ordinary residents;
    • Conducting some DIG (Disaster Imagination Games) and Table Top Exercises among the local communities leaders to train the methodology for safe evacuation and confronting with potential earthquakes;
    • Providing and distributions the necessary information to the residents of pilot areas by using the organizations and presenting the necessary information among them.
    Conducting earthquake and tsunami drills at the selected areas
    After providing the necessary training among the residents, the results and effectiveness of the activities can be evaluated by conducting some drills at the selected pilot areas. For this purpose, an earthquake scenario and tsunami will be prepared and the potential impacts will be simulated and the residents will be asked to participate in the drills to implement what they learned in a nearly real condition. For this purpose the following activities will be considered:
    • Preparing earthquake and tsunami scenario and assessment the potential impacts for making necessary on site simulation;
    • Implementing the tsunami drills based on the evacuation plan;

    Assessment the results of the drills and evaluating the shortages and advantages of the implemented plan by preparing and assessing necessary questionnaires.

  9. Preparing final report and implementation plan
    Based on the results of the drills and having discussions among stakeholders in a workshop, the necessary modification on the plan will be applied and the final report as well as the implementation plan for other areas will be presented. The main activities in this part are as follows:

    • Findings of earlier tasks will be presented in a Draft Final Report and circulate to key stakeholders;
    • A workshop of key stakeholders will be planned and convened to review Report findings and recommendations;
    • Final report will be delivered to local authorities.
